Your hand-cut joinery will take a huge leap forward when you stop marking with a pencil and start marking with a single bevel marking knife. A pencil line gives you nothing but a target. A marking knife gives you a physical impression in the wood which guides your saw or chisel. Our Classic Marking Knife features a comfortable contoured handle with an .032" blade held firmly in the handle by a tool-less collet system. If you’re in the middle of a project and need a fresh edge, you can quickly change blades and do all your sharpening later.
The spear-point blade design works equally well with the reference on the right or left just flip the knife over to place the flat side against your square or straight-edge. The bevel steers the blade along the reference for perfect placement of your mark.
The Classic Marking Knife comes in your choice of Resin-Infused Curly Maple or Bolivian Rosewood 5” handle with a polished stainless-steel ferrule. In addition to the standard .032" blade and collet, the entire range of Blue Spruce Toolworks Marking System blades and collets works with the handle.
Add the two-pack of extra blades and you’ll always have a fresh edge ready for that critical layout.
- Precision marking for joinery in woodworking projects
- Detailing and scribing for intricate designs on wood surfaces
- Creating fine lines for accurate sawing and chiseling
- Marking measurements on a variety of materials including softwoods, hardwoods, and laminates
- Outlining dovetails and tenons in cabinet making
- Ideal for craftspeople and carpenters focusing on detailed and precision work
- Useful in marking out locations for hardware installation