PRODUCT DETAILS Click an item to expand and learn more Overview Functions With cord For the accurate removal of trapped particles and unevenness Manufactured from carbide With hollow grinding Additional InfoRefinishing surfaces by removing paint, varnish, or stainSmoothing out wood surfaces before applying a finishCleaning up glue joints or excess adhesive after bondingLeveling wood surfaces to eliminate high spots for a uniform finishPreparing wood edges for joinery or aesthetic detailingRestoring old furniture by removing layers of old paint or finishSharpening and shaping woodworking tools for optimal performanceEngraving or carving intricate designs in woodwork projectsFine-tuning wood inlays and fittings in carpentry and joinery workSmoothing out wooden moldings and trims during installation or repairTechnical Data Specifications Dimensions: 1" (25 mm) x 1-3/16" (30 mm) Reviews Questions and Answers