Bullnose Shaper Cutters

$52.36 - $229.78
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DDiameterBCutting HeightB1BoreRRadiusD1DescriptionRub CollarBrandTool NoOur PriceWish ListReady To Buy
2-5/89/161/41/2 & 3/41/82-3/81/4 beadC-015**Amana Tool973Amana Tool 973 Carbide Tipped 3-Wing Bullnose 1/8 R x 1/4 Bead R x 2-5/8 D x 9/16 CH x 1/2 & 3/4 Bore Shaper CutterMore info$74.80$52.36
2-5/85/83/81/2 & 3/43/162-1/43/8 beadC-025**Amana Tool974Amana Tool 974 Carbide Tipped 3-Wing Bullnose 3/16 R x 3/8 Bead R x 2-5/8 D x 5/8 CH x 1/2 & 3/4 Bore Shaper CutterMore info$108.55$75.99
2-5/813/161/21/2 & 3/41/42-1/81/2 beadC-011**Amana Tool925Amana Tool 925 Carbide Tipped 3-Wing Bullnose 1/4 R x 1/2 Bead R x 2-5/8 D x 13/16 CH x 1/2 & 3/4 Bore Shaper CutterMore info$111.70$78.19
2-5/815/165/81/2 & 3/45/1625/8 beadC-010**Amana Tool923Amana Tool 923 Carbide Tipped 3-Wing Bullnose 5/16 R x 5/8 Bead R x 2-5/8 D x 15/16 CH x 1/2 & 3/4 Bore Shaper CutterMore info$120.65$84.46
2-5/81-1/163/41/2 & 3/43/81-7/83/4 beadC-008**Amana Tool927Amana Tool 927 Carbide Tipped 3-Wing Bullnose 3/8 R x 3/4 Bead R x 2-5/8 D x 1-1/16 CH x 1/2 & 3/4 Bore Shaper CutterMore info$118.65$83.06
2-5/81-1/211/2 & 3/41/21-5/81 beadC-005**Amana Tool929Amana Tool 929 Carbide Tipped 3-Wing Bullnose 1/2 R x 1 Bead R x 2-5/8 D x 1-1/2 CH x 1/2 & 3/4 Bore Shaper CutterMore info$135.85$95.10
3-9/161-5/81-1/41 & 1-1/45/82-5/161-1/4 beadC-040***Amana ToolSC570Amana Tool SC570 Carbide Tipped 3-Wing Bullnose 5/8 R x 1-1/4 Bead R x 3-9/16 D x 1-5/8 CH x 1 & 1-1/4 Bore Shaper CutterMore info$168.90$118.23
3-13/1621-1/21 & 1-1/43/42-5/161-1/2 beadC-040***Amana ToolSC572Amana Tool SC572 Carbide Tipped 3-Wing Bullnose 3/4 R x 1-1/2 Bead R x 3-13/16 D x 2 CH x 1 & 1-1/4 Bore Shaper CutterMore info$253.35$177.35
4-5/162-1/221 & 1-1/412-5/162 beadC-040***Amana ToolSC574Amana Tool SC574 Carbide Tipped 3-Wing Bullnose 1 R x 2 Bead R x4-5/16 D x 2-1/2 CH x 1 & 1-1/4 Bore Shaper CutterMore info$328.25$229.78


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